بشارة لوقا 7

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The Good News by Luke 7

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انقر► للاستماع إلى النص العربي

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بشارة لوقا 7 رجل

انقر► للاستماع إلى النص الإنجليزي

يشفي خادم الضابط

1 وَلَمَّا انْتَهَى عِيسَى مِنَ التَّحَدُّثِ بِكُلِّ هَذَا إِلَى الشَّعْبِ، دَخَلَ كَفْرَنَاحُومَ. 2 وَكَانَ هُنَاكَ ضَابِطٌ بِرُتْبَةِ قَائِدِ مِئَةٍ،* لَهُ خَادِمٌ مَرِيضٌ وَعَلَى وَشْكِ الْمَوْتِ وَكَانَ سَيِّدُهُ يَعِزُّهُ جِدًّا. 3 وَسَمِعَ الضَّابِطُ عَنْ عِيسَى، فَأَرْسَلَ إِلَيْهِ بَعْضَ شُيُوخِ الْيَهُودِ يَسْأَلُهُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ وَيَشْفِيَ خَادِمَهُ. 4 فَلَمَّا جَاءُوا إِلَى عِيسَى، تَوَسَّلُوا إِلَيْهِ بِإِلْحَاحٍ وَقَالُوا: ”إِنَّهُ يَسْتَحِقُّ أَنْ تُسَاعِدَهُ، 5 فَهُوَ يُحِبُّ شَعْبَنَا، وَهُوَ الَّذِي بَنَى لَنَا بَيْتَ الْعِبَادَةِ.“ 6 فَذَهَبَ عِيسَى مَعَهُمْ. وَلَمَّا اقْتَرَبَ مِنَ الدَّارِ، أَرْسَلَ إِلَيْهِ الضَّابِطُ بَعْضَ أَصْحَابِهِ يَقُولُ لَهُ: ”يَا سَيِّدِي، لَا تُتْعِبْ نَفْسَكَ، فَأَنَا لَا أَسْتَحِقُّ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ تَحْتَ سَقْفِي. 7 وَلِهَذَا لَمْ أَعْتَبِرْ نَفْسِي أَهْلًا لِأَنْ أَجِيءَ إِلَيْكَ. وَلَكِنْ يَكْفِي أَنْ تَأْمُرَ فَتَجْعَلَ خَادِمِي يُشْفَى. 8 لِأَنِّي أَنَا نَفْسِي تَحْتَ سُلْطَةٍ، وَأَيْضًا عِنْدِي جُنُودٌ تَحْتِي، أَقُولُ لِهَذَا: ’اِذْهَبْ‘ فَيَذْهَبُ. وَلِآخَرَ: ’تَعَالَ‘ فَيَأْتِي. وَلِخَادِمِي: ’اِعْمَلْ هَذَا‘ فَيَعْمَلُ.“ 9 فَلَمَّا سَمِعَ عِيسَى هَذَا تَعَجَّبَ مِنْهُ، وَالْتَفَتَ إِلَى الشَّعْبِ الَّذِي يَتْبَعُهُ وَقَالَ: ”أَقُولُ لَكُمْ، لَمْ أَجِدْ وَاحِدًا فِي بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ عِنْدَهُ مِثْلُ هَذَا الْإِيمَانِ.“ 10 وَرَجَعَ رُسُلُ الضَّابِطِ إِلَى الدَّارِ، فَوَجَدُوا أَنَّ الْخَادِمَ شُفِيَ.

He Heals the Servant of an Officer

1 When Isa had finished saying all this to the people, he entered Kafr Nahum. 2 An officer was there whose rank was captain of a hundred.* He had a servant who was sick and on the verge of death. His master [the officer] valued him greatly. 3 The officer heard about Isa and sent some elders of the Jews to ask him to come and heal his servant. 4 When they came to Isa, they pleaded earnestly with him, saying, “He deserves to have you help him, 5 for he loves our people, and he is the one who built the house of worship for us.” 6 So Isa went with them. When he approached the home, the officer sent some friends to say to him, “Sir, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy for you to come under my roof. 7 That's why I didn't consider myself qualified to come to you. But it's sufficient for you to order it, and you will cause my servant to be healed. 8 For I myself am under authority, and I also have soldiers under me. I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 9 When Isa heard this, he was impressed with him. He turned to the crowd which was following him and said, “I tell you, I have not found anyone among the Children of Israel who has such faith!” 10 Then the officer's messengers returned to the house, and they found that the servant had been healed.

عيسى يقيم ميتًا

11 بَعْدَ هَذَا ذَهَبَ عِيسَى إِلَى بَلْدَةٍ اسْمُهَا نَايِينُ،* وَكَانَ يُرَافِقُهُ تَلَامِيذُهُ وَجُمْهُورٌ غَفِيرٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ. 12 فَلَمَّا اقْتَرَبَ مِنْ بَوَّابَةِ الْبَلْدَةِ، كَانَ هُنَاكَ مَيِّتٌ خَارِجِينَ بِهِ، وَهُوَ ابْنٌ وَحِيدٌ لِأُمِّهِ الْأَرْمَلَةِ. وَكَانَ مَعَهَا جُمْهُورٌ كَبِيرٌ مِنَ الْبَلْدَةِ. 13 فَلَمَّا رَآهَا مَوْلانَا عِيسَى، أَشْفَقَ عَلَيْهَا وَقَالَ لَهَا: ”لَا تَبْكِي!“ 14 وَتَقَدَّمَ وَلَمَسَ النَّعْشَ،* فَوَقَفَ الَّذِينَ يَحْمِلُونَهُ. فَقَالَ: ”أَيُّهَا الشَّابُّ، قُمْ.“ 15 فَجَلَسَ الْمَيِّتُ وَأَخَذَ يَتَكَلَّمُ، فَأَعْطَاهُ عِيسَى لِأُمِّهِ.

16 فَشَعَرُوا بِالرَّهْبَةِ كُلُّهُمْ وَسَبَّحُوا اللهَ وَقَالُوا: ”ظَهَرَ بَيْنَنَا نَبِيٌّ عَظِيمٌ، جَاءَ اللهُ لِمَعُونَةِ شَعْبِهِ.“ 17 وَانْتَشَرَ هَذَا الْخَبَرُ عَنْ عِيسَى فِي كُلِّ بِلَادِ يَهُوذَا وَالْمَنَاطِقِ الْمُجَاوِرَةِ.

Isa Raises a Dead Man

11 After this, Isa went to a town called Nain.* He was accompanied by his disciples and a huge crowd of people. 12 As he approached the town gate, there was a dead man being carried out, and he was the only son of his widowed mother. With her was a large crowd from the town. 13 When Maulana Isa saw her, he had compassion on her and said, “Don't cry!” 14 Then he stepped forward and touched the bier,* and those carrying it stopped. He said, “Young man, get up.” 15 Then the dead man sat up and began to talk! And Isa gave him to his mother.

16 All of them felt awe and praised Allah, saying, “A great prophet has appeared among us. Allah has come to the aid of his people.” 17 And this news about Isa spread throughout the land of Judea and the neighboring regions.

سؤال يحيى

18 وَسَمِعَ يَحْيَى* عَنْ كُلِّ هَذِهِ الْأُمُورِ مِنْ تَلَامِيذِهِ. فَنَادَى اثْنَيْنِ مِنْهُمْ 19 وَأَرْسَلَهُمَا إِلَى مَوْلانَا عِيسَى يَسْأَلُهُ: ”هَلْ أَنْتَ هُوَ الَّذِي نَتَوَقَّعُ مَجِيئَهُ* أَمْ نَنْتَظِرُ آخَرَ؟“ 20 فَذَهَبَ الرَّجُلَانِ إِلَى عِيسَى وَقَالَا لَهُ: ”أَرْسَلَنَا يَحْيَى الْمُغَطِّسُ* لِنَسْأَلَكَ: ’هَلْ أَنْتَ هُوَ الَّذِي نَتَوَقَّعُ مَجِيئَهُ أَمْ نَنْتَظِرُ آخَرَ؟‘“ 21 وَفِي تِلْكَ السَّاعَةِ شَفَى عِيسَى كَثِيرِينَ مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ وَأَوْجَاعٍ وَأَرْوَاحٍ شِرِّيرَةٍ، وَوَهَبَ الْبَصَرَ لِعُمْيٍ كَثِيرِينَ. 22 فَأَجَابَ وَقَالَ لَهُمَا: ”اِذْهَبَا وَأَخْبِرَا يَحْيَى بِمَا سَمِعْتُمَا وَرَأَيْتُمَا: الْعُمْيُ يُبْصِرُونَ، وَالْعُرْجُ يَمْشُونَ، وَالْبُرْصُ يَبْرَأُونَ، وَالطُّرْشُ يَسْمَعُونَ، وَالْمَوْتَى يَقُومُونَ، وَالْمَسَاكِينُ تَصِلُهُمُ الْبُشْرَى.* 23 وَهَنِيئًا لِمَنْ لَا يَخِيبُ أَمَلُهُ فِيَّ.“

Yahya's Question

18 Yahya* heard about all these things from his disciples. So he called two of them 19 and sent them to Maulana Isa, asking him, “Are you the one whose coming we've been expecting*, or should we wait for someone else?” 20 So the two men went to Isa and said to him, “Yahya the Immerser* sent us to ask you, ‘Are you the one we've been expecting to come, or should we wait for another?’” 21 Within that hour, Isa cured many people of diseases, painful ailments, and evil spirits, and he granted sight to many blind people. 22 Then he answered, saying to them, “Go and tell Yahya what you have heard and seen: Blind people are gaining their sight, lame people are walking, people with leprosy are being cured, deaf people are hearing, dead people are rising up [alive], and poor people are receiving the good news.* 23 How fortunate for anyone who is not disappointed in me.”

24 فَلَمَّا انْصَرَفَ تَلَامِيذُ يَحْيَى، أَخَذَ عِيسَى يُحَدِّثُ الْجُمْهُورَ عَنْ يَحْيَى فَقَالَ: ”لَمَّا خَرَجْتُمْ إِلَيْهِ فِي الصَّحْرَاءِ، مَاذَا رَأَيْتُمْ؟ هَلْ سَاقَ نَبَاتٍ تَهُزُّهَا الرِّيحُ؟ لَا. 25 إِذَنْ لَمَّا خَرَجْتُمْ مَاذَا رَأَيْتُمْ؟ هَلْ رَجُلًا يَرْتَدِي الْمَلَابِسَ الْفَاخِرَةَ؟ لَا، فَالَّذِينَ يَلْبَسُونَ الْمَلَابِسَ الْفَخْمَةَ وَيَتَرَفَّهُونَ هُمْ فِي الْقُصُورِ. 26 لَكِنْ لَمَّا خَرَجْتُمْ مَاذَا رَأَيْتُمْ؟ هَلْ نَبِيًّا؟ نَعَمْ بِالتَّأْكِيدِ، بَلْ وَأَعْظَمَ مِنْ نَبِيٍّ. 27 هَذَا هُوَ الَّذِي قَالَ عَنْهُ الْكِتَابُ: ’أَنَا أَبْعَثُ رَسُولِي قُدَّامَكَ، لِكَيْ يُعِدَّ لَكَ الطَّرِيقَ أَمَامَكَ.‘* 28 وَأَقُولُ لَكُمْ، لَا يُوجَدُ بَيْنَ كُلِّ الْبَشَرِ مَنْ هُوَ أَعْظَمُ مِنْ يَحْيَى. وَلَكِنَّ أَصْغَرَ وَاحِدٍ فِي مَمْلَكَةِ اللهِ أَعْظَمُ مِنْهُ.“

24 When Yahya's disciples departed, Isa began to speak to the crowd about Yahya. He said, “When you went out to him in the desert, what did you see? A stalk which the wind was shaking? No. 25 So when you went out, what did you see? A man dressed in fancy clothing? No, for people who wear fancy clothing and live in luxury are in palaces. 26 But when you went out, what did you see? A prophet? Yes, for sure — and even greater than a prophet. 27 He is the one of whom the Scriptures say, ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you to prepare for you the way before you.’* 28 And I tell you, there does not exist among all humankind anyone greater than Yahya. Yet the least significant person in the Kingdom of Allah is greater than him.”

29 وَكُلُّ الَّذِينَ سَمِعُوا هَذَا، حَتَّى جُبَاةُ الضَّرَائِبِ، شَهِدُوا أَنَّ اللهَ صَالِحٌ فَرَاحُوا إِلَى يَحْيَى لِيُغَطِّسَهُمْ. 30 أَمَّا الْفَرِّيسِيُّونَ وَعُلَمَاءُ الشَّرِيعَةِ، فَرَفَضُوا مَشِيئَةَ اللهِ لَهُمْ وَلَمْ يَقْبَلُوا أَنْ يُغَطِّسَهُمْ.

31 وَقَالَ عِيسَى: ”بِمَنْ أُشَبِّهُ هَؤُلاءِ النَّاسَ؟ مَنْ يُشْبِهُونَ يَا تُرَى؟ 32 إِنَّهُمْ مِثْلُ أَوْلَادٍ قَاعِدِينَ فِي السَّاحَةِ الْعَامَّةِ يَصِيحُ بَعْضُهُمْ إِلَى بَعْضٍ وَيَقُولُونَ: ’زَمَّرْنَا لَكُمْ فَلَمْ تَرْقُصُوا، نَدَبْنَا لَكُمْ فَلَمْ تَبْكُوا.‘ 33 جَاءَ يَحْيَى الْمُغَطِّسُ لَا يَأْكُلُ خُبْزًا وَلَا يَشْرَبُ نَبِيذًا فَقُلْتُمْ: ’فِيهِ شَيْطَانٌ.‘ 34 وَجَاءَ الَّذِي صَارَ بَشَرًا يَأْكُلُ وَيَشْرَبُ فَقُلْتُمْ: ’هَذَا رَجُلٌ شَرِهٌ وَسِكِّيرٌ، وَصَدِيقٌ لِجُبَاةِ الضَّرَائِبِ وَغَيْرِ الْمُتَدَيِّنِينَ.‘ 35 وَالْحِكْمَةُ الصَّحِيحَةُ تَظْهَرُ فِي مَنْ يَتْبَعُونَهَا.“

29 All those who heard this, even the tax collectors, acknowledged that Allah is good, for they had gone to Yahya to be immersed by him. 30 But as for the Pharisees and the experts in religious law, they had rejected Allah's will for them and did not let [Yahya] immerse them.

31 Isa said, “To whom shall I compare these people? Who do you think they might be like? 32 They are like children sitting in the public square, some of them shouting to the others, saying, ‘We played the flute for you, but you didn't dance; we sang a lament to you, but you didn't cry.’ 33 Yahya the Immerser came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you said, ‘There is a demon in him!’ 34 Then the One Who Became Man came eating and drinking, and you said, ‘This man is a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and nonobservant [Jews]!’ 35 But true wisdom is evident in those who follow it.”

امرأة فاسدة تتوب

36 وَدَعَاهُ وَاحِدٌ فَرِّيسِيٌّ لِيَتَنَاوَلَ الطَّعَامَ عِنْدَهُ، فَدَخَلَ دَارَ الْفَرِّيسِيِّ وَجَلَسَ إِلَى الْمَائِدَةِ.* 37 وَكَانَ فِي الْبَلْدَةِ امْرَأَةٌ سَيِّئَةُ السُّلُوكِ، وَعَرَفَتْ أَنَّ عِيسَى جَالِسٌ يَأْكُلُ فِي دَارِ الْفَرِّيسِيِّ. فَأَحْضَرَتْ زُجَاجَةً مِنَ الْمَرْمَرِ بِهَا عِطْرٌ، 38 وَوَقَفَتْ مِنَ الْخَلْفِ عِنْدَ قَدَمَيْهِ وَهِيَ تَبْكِي. وَأَخَذَتْ تَبِلُّ قَدَمَيْهِ بِدُمُوعِهَا وَتَمْسَحُهُمَا بِشَعْرِهَا، وَتُقَبِّلُهُمَا وَتَدْهِنُهُمَا بِالْعِطْرِ.

An Immoral Woman Repents

36 One of the Pharisees invited [Isa] to dine at his place, so he entered the Pharisee's home and sat down at the dinner table.* 37 Now in that town, there was a woman of bad character, and she learned that Isa had sat down to eat in the Pharisee's home. So she brought an alabaster bottle of perfume 38 and stood behind him at his feet, weeping. She began wetting his feet with her tears, wiping them off with her hair, kissing them, and anointing them with perfume.

39 فَلَمَّا رَأَى الْفَرِّيسِيُّ الَّذِي دَعَاهُ هَذَا الْأَمْرَ، قَالَ فِي نَفْسِهِ: ”لَوْ كَانَ هَذَا الرَّجُلُ نَبِيًّا، لَكَانَ يَعْلَمُ مَنْ هِيَ هَذِهِ الْمَرْأَةُ الَّتِي تَلْمِسُهُ، وَمَا حَالُهَا، فَهِيَ سَيِّئَةُ السُّلُوكِ.“ 40 فَأَجَابَهُ عِيسَى: ”يَا سَمْعَانُ، عِنْدِي شَيْءٌ أَقُولُهُ لَكَ.“ فَأَجَابَ سَمْعَانُ: ”تَفَضَّلْ يَا مُعَلِّمُ.“ 41 فَقَالَ: ”رَجُلَانِ مَدْيُونَانِ لِوَاحِدٍ صَاحِبِ أَمْوَالٍ. أَحَدُهُمَا مَدْيُونٌ لَهُ بِـ500 دِينَارٍ* وَالْآخَرُ بِـ50. 42 وَلَيْسَ فِي إِمْكَانِهِمَا أَنْ يُسَدِّدَا الدَّيْنَ، فَسَامَحَهُمَا هُمَا الْاِثْنَانِ. فَمَنْ مِنْهُمَا يُحِبُّهُ أَكْثَرَ؟“ 43 فَأَجَابَ سَمْعَانُ: ”أَظُنُّ الَّذِي سَامَحَهُ بِالْمَبْلَغِ الْأَكْبَرِ.“ قَالَ عِيسَى: ”قُلْتَ الصَّوَابَ.“

39 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who this woman is who is touching him and what type of woman she is, that her behavior is bad!” 40 So Isa responded to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” Simon replied, “Go ahead, Teacher.” 41 So he said, “Two men owed money to a man of means; one was in debt to him for five hundred dinars* and the other for fifty. 42 They were both unable to repay the debt, so he forgave them both. Now which of them would love him more?” 43 Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he forgave the larger amount.” Isa said, “You have spoken correctly.”

44 ثُمَّ الْتَفَتَ إِلَى الْمَرْأَةِ وَقَالَ لِسَمْعَانَ: ”أَتَرَى هَذِهِ الْمَرْأَةَ؟ أَنَا دَخَلْتُ دَارَكَ وَأَنْتَ لَمْ تُقَدِّمْ لِي مَاءً لِغَسْلِ قَدَمَيَّ، أَمَّا هِيَ فَقَدْ بَلَّتْ قَدَمَيَّ بِدُمُوعِهَا وَمَسَحَتْهُمَا بِشَعْرِهَا. 45 أَنْتَ لَمْ تُقَبِّلْنِي، أَمَّا هِيَ فَمُنْذُ دُخُولِي هُنَا، لَمْ تَتَوَقَّفْ عَنْ تَقْبِيلِ قَدَمَيَّ. 46 أَنْتَ لَمْ تَدْهِنْ رَأْسِي بِالزَّيْتِ، أَمَّا هِيَ فَدَهَنَتْ قَدَمَيَّ بِالْعِطْرِ. 47 لِهَذَا أَقُولُ لَكَ إِنَّ ذُنُوبَهَا الْكَثِيرَةَ غُفِرَتْ لَهَا، فَأَظْهَرَتْ هَذِهِ الْمَحَبَّةَ الْكَبِيرَةَ. أَمَّا الَّذِي يُغْفَرُ لَهُ قَلِيلٌ، فَيُحِبُّ قَلِيلًا.“ 48 ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهَا: ”ذُنُوبُكِ مَغْفُورَةٌ لَكِ.“ 49 لَكِنَّ الْجَالِسِينَ مَعَهُ قَالُوا فِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ: ”مَنْ هُوَ هَذَا حَتَّى يَغْفِرَ الذُّنُوبَ؟“ 50 ثُمَّ قَالَ لِلْمَرْأَةِ: ”إِيمَانُكِ نَجَّاكِ، رُوحِي بِالسَّلَامَةِ.“ *

44 Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your home, but you didn't offer me water to wash my feet. She, on the other hand, has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them off with her hair. 45 You didn't kiss me, but as for her, from the time I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume. 47 Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven her, so she has displayed this great love. But a person who is forgiven little loves little.” 48 Then he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 But those sitting with him said to themselves, “Who is this that he even forgives sins?” 50 Then he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”*

<< لوقا 6

 *7‏:2 ضَابِطٌ بِرُتْبَةِ قَائِدِ مِئَةٍ: ضابط عسكري رومانيّ قائد يقود مئة جنديّ. ويُدعَى باللاتينية «سِنتوريون».

لوقا 8 >>

 *7:2 captain of a hundred: Or centurion. This was a Roman military officer.

 *7‏:11 نَايِينُ: في الأصل «نعيم». وهي بلدة تبعد حوالي 10 كيلومترات جنوبي الناصرة. وتبعد حوالي 30 كيلومترًا جنوب غرب كفرناحوم، من ثَمَّ كانت المسافة تستغرق مسيرة يوم واحد على الأقدام.

 *7:11 Nain: a town about 10 kilometers south of Nazareth. It was about 30 kilometers southwest of Kafr Nahum, so a day's journey by foot.

 *7‏:14 النَّعْشَ: نقّالة أو محفّة تُنقَل عليها الجثة إلى القبر. وفقًا للتوراة في عدد 19‏:11‏-13، إذا مسّ شخص جثّة، صار نجسًا، لكن عندما مسّ عيسى المسيح جثّة الميّت، أعاد الحياة إليه.

 *7:14 bier: a stretcher or frame on which a dead body is carried to the grave. According to the Taurat at Numbers 19:11-13, if a person touched a dead body it made him unclean, but when Isa the Messiah touched a dead body, he restored the person to life.

 *7‏:18 يَحْيَى: النبي يحيى بن زكريا. كان مسجونًا في ذلك الوقت لأنَّه قال الحقّ.

 *7:18 Yahya: the prophet Yahya son of Zakariya. At this time he was in prison because he spoke the truth.

 *7‏:19 الَّذِي نَتَوَقَّعُ مَجِيئَهُ: أي المسيح، الذي قال الأنبياء إنَّ الله سوف يبعثه لإنقاذ البشر. في هذا الوقت كان يحيى مسجونًا ورُبَّما كانوا يأملون أن يقوم عيسى بإنقاذه.

 *7:19 the one whose coming we've been expecting: the Messiah, whom the prophets had said Allah would send to rescue people. At this time Yahya was in prison and may have hoped that Isa would rescue him.

 *7‏:20 يَحْيَى الْمُغَطِّسُ: النبي يحيى بن زكريا. كلمة المُغطِّس تعني الشخص الذي يغمر المؤمنين في الماء لمغفرة خطاياهم.

 *7:20 Yahya the Immerser: the prophet Yahya son of Zakariya. The word immerser means one who immerses believers in water for the forgiveness of their sins.

 *7‏:22 الْبُشْرَى: رسالة الله التي أعلنها عيسى عن طريق ما قاله وكيف عاش وما فعله لإنقاذ المؤمنين به.

 *7:22 good news: the message of Allah which Isa proclaimed by what he said, by how he lived, and by what he did to save those who believe in him.

 *7‏:27 انظر كتاب النبي ملاخي 3‏:1. كان ملاخي نبيًّا في القدس من حوالي عام 440 قبل الميلاد إلى عام 430 قبل الميلاد.

 *7:27 See the Book of the Prophet Malachi 3:1. Malachi was a prophet in Jerusalem from around 440 BC to 430 BC.

 *7‏:36 جَلَسَ إِلَى الْمَائِدَةِ: في ذلك الزمان، عندما كان المُضيف يدعو ضيوفًا إلى مأدبة عشاء رسمية، كان يَتَّكِئ معهم جنبًا إلى جنب على حُصُر أو أرائك تحيط بطاولة أو حصيرة منخفضة. وكانوا يستندون (يَتَّكِئون) على مرافقهم اليسرى ويتناولون الطعام بأياديهم اليمنى. وكانوا يفردون أرجلهم بعيدًا عن الطعام إلى جانب الأريكة أو الحصيرة.  انظر الصور للتوضيح.

 *7:36 sat down at the dinner table: At that time, when a host invited guests to a formal dinner, he and they reclined side-by-side on mats or couches that circled a low table or mat. They leaned on their left elbows and took food with their right hands. Their feet extended out away from the food and off the side of the couch or mat. See the illustration.

 *7‏:41 دِينَارٍ: كان الدينار عملة فضية تعادل قيمة الأجر اليومي للعامل العادي. والكلمة لاتينية الأصل.

 *7:41 dinars: A dinar was a silver coin equivalent in value to a day's wage for a common laborer. In Latin it was called a denarius, plural denarii.

 *7‏:50 تَرُوحِي بِالسَّلَامَةِ: لا تخافي أو تخجلي، لأنَّ الله قد غفر لك خطاياكِ. هذا أحد معاني الكلمة، ولكن كلمة «سَلَامَة» وحدها قد تعني الأمن من الشرّ أو البراءة.

 *7:50 Go in peace: Have no fear or shame, because Allah has forgiven you for your sins. This is one meaning of the phrase, but the word سَلَامَة alone would normally be translated as safety or blamelessness.


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