تلاميذ : 

مَن يتبعون معلِّمًا عظيمًا ويعيشون وفقًا لتعاليمه وطريقة حياته. كما يُطلَق عليهم «أتباع». يُدعى التلاميذ الأوائل لعيسى أيضًا بـ «الصحابة» أو «الحواريّين». تلاميذ عيسى هم مَن يؤمنون بأنَّ عيسى هو المسيح المُرسَل من الله، ويقبلونه على أنه سيّدهم ويتّبعون تعاليمه ويقتدون بقدوته، كما هو وارد في الإنجيل. انظر متى 28‏:19-20.​​​


people who follow a great teacher and live according to his teachings and his way of life. They are also called “followers.” The first disciples of Isa are also called his companions. Disciples of Isa are people who believe that Isa is the Messiah sent from Allah and accept him as their master and follow his teachings and example, as found in the Injil. See Matthew 28:19-20.


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